why 2020 needs to be the year of the gold digger
“Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.”
FOREWORD by Lexi King:
I loved the post below SO much when I read it for the first time a few weeks ago that I immediately messaged its author after to ask her permission to share it on R&R. Friend (*collective sigh*), it felt like water for the weary and a hug for the hurting.
My chief lament when I consider politics and the discourse thereof, in an election year or not, is the lack of listening and the lack of empathy between opposing views. Without listening, there can be no understanding. If the “other” political party is not seen as having ideas of value and potential, compromise is elusive, empathy impossible, and an atmosphere of animosity becomes the norm. And let’s face it, “animosity” is a generous way of describing the current conversations and ugly interactions we are seeing around us and online..and the awkward family political “conversations” at the holidays are a comin’ soon. (Insert the voice of Jeremy Irons as “Scar” in original LION KING movie) “Ohhhh goodie.” Lol.
If the hope for reconciliation is off the table for us in politics, it becomes a game of being hell bent on seeing the “Conservative” or “Liberal” solution (the “right” side depending on our views) reign victorious. How many extremely one-sided, questionably accurate memes have we seen posted lately in our social media feeds these past few months? Lost count perhaps? How many times have we overheard people loudly voicing their views even just out doing errands on a normal day? Maybe for you it was good friends of yours who included you in a group thread that discussed politics in a way that not only lacked civility, but was full of party stereotypes that made you SUPER uncomfortable. The way we have become so desensitized to our “us vs. them” mentalities has led to incredibly bold assertions to be made.
I have heard it insinuated that a person:
IS “not proud to be an American”..
IS “definitely a racist”..
IS “passionate about killing babies”..
IS “not a supporter of law enforcement”..
IS “only concerned about the rich”
or the most egregious in my opinion,
IS “not truly a Christian”… IF they vote for this or that candidate.
It is because of such extreme, troubling claims made by both sides, especially the last one I shared, that I put this beautifully written guest post under the FAITH MATTERS Category of my blog. I hope you are as touched by the way Rebecca finds the gold in both sides as I was. I hope you encounter her words, let them marinate a while and then determine that you too will take the initiative to act and speak in the manner of this unique kind of “gold digger” this year. And ironically, it is that decision to do so, that different posture with which you encounter these interactions on politics and the like, that will shine the brightest to set an example to the world around you.
Untitled Guest Post
Rebecca K. Reynolds
Thank God the Democrats care about the oppressed.
Thank God the Republicans care about the unborn.
Thank God the Republicans don’t want a socialist dictator.
Thank God the Democrats don’t want a fascist America.
Thank God the anti-Trumpers call out lies, immorality, and Constitutional violations in the President.
Thank God the pro-Trumpers call out dishonesty and bias in the media.
Thank God the Democrats want every citizen to have a humane life.
Thank God the Republicans want to keep government small enough that it isn’t abusive.
Thank God those who cry for peace remember what it is and love it.
Thank God those who cry for justice are willing to take the long, hard road to tranquility.
Thank God that conspiracy theorists don’t believe everything they hear.
Thank God that objective truth balances out conspiracies that go too far.
Thank God that Republicans love America.
Thank God that Democrats love America.
Thank God that Republicans want to stand against anarchists.
Thank God that Democrats want to stand against racists.
Thank God that Republicans are unwilling for individual liberties to be needlessly oppressed.
Thank God that Democrats are willing to sacrifice certain liberties for the sake of the vulnerable.
Thank God that Republicans are willing to fight for the right to bear arms.
Thank God that Democrats are willing to fight to keep mass murderers from owning powerful weapons.
Thank God that Republicans want small government.
Thank God that Democrats want big government.
Thank God that Republicans are calling out misrepresentation of data.
Thank God that Democrats are calling out misrepresentation of data.
Thank God that the oppressed are telling their stories and demanding change.
Thank God that the suspicious are making sure our nation’s enemies aren’t hijacking good causes.
Thank God for the necessary conflict that is rising out of honest hurt and honest suffering.
Thank God for the moments of peace and humor that keep us going through hard times.
Thank God that people are willing to use social media to express their concerns.
Thank God that people are willing to to contradict concerns expressed poorly.
Thank God that we have the freedom to fight this out with our words.
Thank God that for the opportunity to learn from and to grow, and to push through.
Thank God for people willing to offend friends and family because they are fighting for what is good, right, and true.
Thank God for friends and family willing to love through offense.
Thank God for a country that isn’t always comfortable.
Thank God for a country that isn’t always comfortable because its governance rests upon the sincere struggles of a diverse people.
“The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.”